I completed something from beginning to end...(and beyond as I intend to continue this journey). I stuck with it. Granted, there were some unique paths to get here but I GOT HERE. Perhaps I'll make a book: "A Year in Review" type thing. That might be for another day, but for now, without further adieu, my final 12 of 12 of 2012! I'll also slip in...
A Merry Christmas to All!
- Rise and Shine! My alarm is called Morning Madness although we really try to keep things calm. Sometimes it is calm and sometimes it's not!
- This is so how it goes in our house. Satchel bounds down from his top bunk and Pres remains in bed for as Long As Possible. (Opposite on weekends however!)
- Unfortunately my day was greeted with a migraine. Thankfully I don't get them often but when I do it changes my day. :( Tried to help get the kids off to school & then back to bed until I could sit up again.
- Migraine attire: no makeup. soft, comfy clothes.
- Migraine food: crackers and...
- Toxic Caffeine!
- Winter Calendar ~ A tradition that the boys love!(and so do I!)
- In today's door there was a trip to the Library! We love outings!
- Not Christmas books but Satchel has been waiting for his Guardian of Ga'Hoole books that he had on hold!
- A calming hot chocolate bedtime snack.in our Winter mug.on our Christmas place-mat. Mmmm.
- Boys in bed. Time to relax near our beautiful Christmas Tree.
- A little me time: Holiday Toe Nails ~ I'm now ready for Christmas!