
I.ROCK. One full Year Completed!

I completed something from beginning to end...(and beyond as I intend to continue this journey). I stuck with it.  Granted, there were some unique paths to get here but I GOT HERE.  Perhaps I'll make a book: "A Year in Review" type thing.  That might be for another day, but for now, without further adieu, my final 12 of 12 of 2012!  I'll also slip in... 

A Merry Christmas to All!

  1. Rise and Shine!  My alarm is called Morning Madness although we really try to keep things calm.  Sometimes it is calm and sometimes it's not!
  2. This is so how it goes in our house.  Satchel bounds down from his top bunk and Pres remains in bed for as Long As Possible. (Opposite on weekends however!)
  3. Unfortunately my day was greeted with a migraine.  Thankfully I don't get them often but when I do it changes my day. :(  Tried to help get the kids off to school & then back to bed until I could sit up again. 
  4. Migraine attire:  no makeup. soft, comfy clothes.
  5. Migraine food:  crackers and...
  6. Toxic Caffeine!
  7. Winter Calendar ~ A tradition that the boys love!(and so do I!)
  8. In today's door there was a trip to the Library!  We love outings!
  9. Not Christmas books but Satchel has been waiting for his Guardian of Ga'Hoole books that he had on hold!
  10. A calming hot chocolate bedtime snack.in our Winter mug.on our Christmas place-mat.  Mmmm.
  11. Boys in bed. Time to relax near our beautiful Christmas Tree.
  12. A little me time:  Holiday Toe Nails ~ I'm now ready for Christmas!