
Living in a Forest

 The Black Hills Playhouse is where Dan and I met 20 years ago.  Needless to say it's a very special place for us.  We feel so lucky to be able to share our passions for life, art & love with so many as we all pass through this magical place.

We also don't have steady, reliable internet connection there.  No cell service, no tvs and sometimes no time to do things such as blogging.  It's an adjustment when nowadays everyone is so used to being "connected" at all times.  Can I tell you, I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!  It can be frustrating but at the same time it's freeing.  It reminds you there is life without a phone in your hand. Very important lessons for all!
  1. View from our window every single morning.
  2. Satchel snoozing the morning away as we leave for staff meeting.
  3. Preston sleeping on his Bunny. 
  4. Where we live.  Our door is the one on the right. The chairs are what we call our "living room" or "common area".
  5. The kids of camp playing volleyball before lunch.  
  6. Cousins!  We get to hang out with the Anderson Clan.  Dylan and Jake (& Linda) were roommates all summer. Quality cousin time!
  7. Dan Dan the Workin' Man!
  8. Forest Flowers.  Ahhhh.
  9. Katie Bauer and Preston = same age, great buddies!
  10. Mmmmm, cookies in the Snack Bar!
  11. The Black Hills Playhouse Cafe.
  12. Otis Spunkmeyer COOKIES!!